Danish Entry Key to Effective Transport Biosecurity

Farmscape for April 1, 2019

The Vice President of Brussels Transport says a well designed properly utilized Danish Entry is one of the most effective defenses against the spread of swine diseases.
The introduction of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea into Ontario prompted a major shift in transport biosecurity.
Tyler Jutzi, the Vice President of Brussels Transport, told those on hand last week for the 2019 London Swine Conference, a proper Danish Entry provides a way for drivers to get into their clean trailers and prevent any outside contamination from getting into those trailers.

Clip-Tyler Jutzi-Brussels Transport:
It creates a clear line of separation, it allows the driver to change into his coveralls and boots inside out of the elements.
It's 2019, divers shouldn't have to climb into a trailer any more and get soaked in the process.
We should be able to build good enough entrances that these drivers are comfortable and safe while changing and then that line of separation needs to be clear, the barn staff needs to keep it clean so that we're not doing all this work changing and  then changing into a dirty system.
First they should have steps instead of a ladder to get into it.
Steps are much safer for the driver to get up carrying his tote with him, so steps instead of ladders number one.
The doors to get in should swing outward so that you have the entire inside space to change into.
The bench should be clean so the driver can sit down on a clean surface and change into his clean boots.
The clean area should need to be clean.
That shouldn't need to be said but it does.
Then the loading area, they should all have a double gate, so one gate that swings back across the hallway to stop any pigs from going back into the barn once they are past you and then a second gate that swings back to cover the entrance into the change room area when you go to chase those pigs in.

Jutzi acknowledges most systems have one gate to stop the pigs from going back into the barn but they don't have a second gate to stop the pigs from going into the change area.
For Farmscape.Ca, I'm Bruce Cochrane.

       *Farmscape is a presentation of Wonderworks Canada Inc